Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The First Conversation

The First Conversation is a one act play that I wrote in my creative writing class.  It shows the beginning of a relationship being formed.  This was one of the hardest pieces I have ever written.

The First Conversation

Act 1 Scene 1

There is a brightly lit room, with the sun shining through the window.  A teenage girl lies on her blue bed with her phone in her hand.  It is completely silent in the room, as the girl, Sammy stares at her phone.

The sound of ringing ruins the sound of complete silence.

SAMMY: (Smiles at her phone, and presses answer.)  Hey there.

LUKE: Hey yourself. (Voice comes from the phone, but you don’t see his face.)

SAMMY:  What are you doing? (Rolls onto her stomach, with her feet hanging off of her bed.)

LUKE: Just looking at you.  You look really good right now. (Said in a quick and quiet voice.)

SAMMY: What’d you say?

LUKE: Nothing.

SAMMY: No, come on tell me.

LUKE: I didn’t say anything don’t know what you are talking about. (Said with a yawn.)

SAMMY: I’m going to hang up if you don’t tell me.

LUKE: No you won’t.

SAMMY: Wanna bet? Just tell me.

LUKE: You won’t do it.

SAMMY: (Gives Luke a smile while simultaneously pressing end on her phone.)

Act 1 Scene 2

Same setting.  Sammy is now sitting with her back up against the plain white wall, waiting for Luke to call her back.  She holds her phone in both hands staring at it intently.  The phone rings and she smiles, but quickly erases the smile from her face when she presses answer.

SAMMY:  I wasn’t kidding.

LUKE: I see that now.

SAMMY: So are you going to tell me what you said? (She goes to run her fingers through her hair but then remembers it’s in a bun and pretends to fix it.)

LUKE: I said… (Voice travels off and then stops.)

SAMMY: Just tell me it can’t be that big of a deal.

LUKE: (In a loud and yelling voice) I said you looked really good right now.

SAMMY: Oh, (blushes) I don’t but thanks.  See not that big of a deal.

LUKE: Uh yeah ya do.

SAMMY: My hairs in a bun and I don’t have any make up on, yeah I probably look fantastic right now.

LUKE: You do.

SAMMY: (Shaking her head and smiling, she slides down onto her bed so she is laying down with her head resting on a pillow, putting the phone in her right hand, holding it in front of her face.)  Thanks.

LUKE: (Starts singing “Best I Ever Had” by Drake.)  Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin' with no make-up on. That's when you're the prettiest, I hope that you don't take it wrong.

SAMMY: (Starts laughing) Noooooo, but okay.

LUKE: See, right there, that.

SAMMY: What?

LUKE: Don’t move.

SAMMY: What are you talking about?

LUKE: Perfect. (Luke whispers) Completely perfect.

SAMMY: What are you talking about? (She asks in a completely exasperated voice.)

LUKE: You, you look absolutely perfect.

SAMMY: (Shakes her head, her smile gets even bigger.)  Thanks. (Says softly.)

LUKE: (Goes back to singing “Best I Ever Had”.)

Friday, May 24, 2013

A List of Lists

A List of Lists is a list of things that I like.  This is an assignment that my teacher gave us in class, and I fell in love with it.  These lists allow you to see and remember everything that you love about your life.

  A List of Lists
1. People who have influenced me;
- My mom
-J.K Rowling
-Sarah Dessen
-Mrs. Gieleghem
-Dax Harris
-Rick Olson
-My dad
-My friends
2. Things that I want to do this summer;
-Egg Sean's car
-Morrucis every Friday
-Get super tan
-Have fun
-Convince him to date me
-Go to the gym everyday
-Write as much as possible
3. Things that make me happy;
-Big sweatshirts
-Chai tea lattes
-Getting hugged but not having to get hugged back
-Sweet text messages
-Laughing so hard you cry
-Talking with someone for hours on end

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Tradition is a memoir about a certain time in my life.  This memoir is a vignette.  Tradition shows a moment in my life, that explains me as a person but also tells you about one of my favorite things/feelings in the world.


            I feel my mom squeezing my hand with her soft hands, and I hear her say, "You ready Kay?" I nod my head and stare out of the window that is next to me. Mom always gives me the window seat so I can see out. This is our tradition. Sitting in my seat with my belt pulled tight, I watch as my mom pulls the crisp laminated piece of paper out of the pocket in front of her. "Where are all of the exits?" She asks. I point at each one, and then look at her waiting for the nod of approval that I know I will get.  Mom puts the paper back in the pocket and then sits back in her seat and looks at me, smiling so big.  “Here we go,” she says.
            I hear the engine start up and look out of the window. I watch the landscape slowly change as the airplane moves across the ground. I feel my heart start to beat fast and I clench my tiny fingers around my mom’s strong hand. Finally I see the plane has reached the runway. I lean even closer to the window until my nose touches the cold glass. My breath fogs up the window, but I quickly wipe it away.
            The plane starts gaining speed and I watch as the world seems to move in a fast forward motion. That's when I feel it. No longer are the tires running along the ground. We are lifting off.  I feel mom squeeze my hand, once, twice, three times.   The city is growing smaller and smaller with each passing second.  I see the cars on the freeway grow into ants and I watch people become invisible.  I love this part, when you’re flying so high that it seems like nothing can hurt you.  The pressure in my ears is building but I know what to do. I open my mouth in a huge yawn and settle back into my seat. This is going to be a long flight.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Third-Floor Bedroom

The Third Floor Bedroom is a piece that I started writing in my creative writing class, but then revised and finished outside of the class.This was a piece of writing that we based off of a picture that our teacher let us choose.  This is a story from 1rst person view.

                                     The Third-Floor Bedroom
                My family has always called me insane.  They kept me hidden way from others, locked high above where no one else could find me.  I had two sisters who watched me like I was the most dangerous person in the world, and a mother and father who were scared of their own daughter.  When I was younger things weren’t always likes this.  I used to sleep in the same room as my sisters, where they would tuck me into bed every night.  My mom used to sit me on her lap where she would braid my hair and give me kisses on my cheeks.  Things used to be different, things used to be normal.  Maybe it all started when I started talking to myself.  Or maybe, just maybe it all began when someone left the window open.

                I was six years old the first time my sister Kelsey left the third-floor bedroom window open.  It had been a hot summer night and we didn’t have air conditioning.  I decided to sleep upstairs to keep cool, but Kelsey and Riley didn’t want to stay with me.  As I watched my sisters leave the room, I saw something flutter in my peripheral vision.  Turning my head quickly the word wait flew from my lips. 
                “What is it baby doll?” my sister Riley asked.
                “I saw- I saw, I saw something,” I stuttered in reply.
                “It’s just the breeze,” Kelsey said, “Just remember to close the window before you fall asleep, wouldn’t want the boogey man to get you.”
                The girls giggled together as they walked back downstairs not realizing that they were about to lose their sister forever.              


                I was always seeing things that I shouldn’t.  I would tell my mom that I saw a tiny person sitting on a flower, or I saw an old man who needed our help.  But she never saw them.  I was the only one in my family who was special. The night that my sisters left my alone in the third floor bedroom, was the night that everything changed.
                I was lying in bed staring out the window up at the sky when I saw something in the corner of my eye.  It had wings and what looked like long hair.  Sitting up in bed I squinted my eyes trying to get a closer look but it just made the object get fuzzier.  The little thing was sitting on the window and seemed to be looking at me.  I climbed out of bed and over to the window to look at even closer.  I didn’t want to scare it so I moved as slowly as I could.  Finally I got so close to it, that I could see that it wasn’t just an object, it was a little person.
                The little person with wings on its back looked at me and turned its head sideways, in a questioning look.  I reached out to touch it but it jumped back. 
                “What are you?”  I whispered.
                “I am whatever you want me to be,” it whispered back to me.  I felt my eyes get huge with surprise that it had actually spoken to me. 
                From there my story stays about the same.  I saw things that others didn’t and I never hid it.  Who knows, maybe I am crazy, but I am okay with it.  I’ve got things that talks to me that others can’t even imagine exist.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Love Doesn't Always Last

Love Doesn't Always Last is a piece that I wrote in my creative writing class.  My teacher gave us two lines that we had to use in our story but we had to make up the plot and everything else in between.  This story shows the last few moments a wife is spending with her husband before he leaves her.

Love Doesn't Always Last
The two stood face to face looking at each other wondering how things got to where they were today.  Sarah looked at her husbands face and wondered how you love someone so much but not have the feeling be mutual.  She knew his face better than anyone.  The perfect round eyes, making him look even more magical than he already was.  His tall lean build toned from hours of exercise towered over her.  She wanted to grab his hand, feel that he was still the same man that she loved, but she knew that not what he wanted. 

            His face was so full of anger and desperation as he watched her watch him.  Sarah knew there was no going back to the way things used to be, but instead of ruining the last few moments she had with the man she loved, she stayed silent, just soaking up the presence of him. 

            “Is this better,” she thought to herself, “Pretend like everything is okay between us, just to keep him with me?  Or let him go and know that nothing will ever be the same?”

            Sarah felt her eyes fill with tears and took a calming breath, trying to stop the fire that was building behind her chest.  Looking at his face only reminded her of the happy memories that she once had with him.  It reminded her of the cozy home they shared together, and the life they had intertwined with each other.  She remembered the vows they had spoken to each other on the night of their wedding, the words she had taken so seriously then and still did.

            “For better or for worse,” echoed in her skull, making the tears that had long since disappeared fall from her eyes down onto her cheeks.

            “How can this be the end,” she thought to herself, “After everything that has happened? Everything we’ve been through?”

            Sarah took a step closer to her husband and interlocked their fingers together.  She waited for the look she was sure was going to come across his face.  First came the eyebrows, she watched as they pulled together.  Then came the eyes, she saw as his eyes closed, shutting her out completely.  Then came his mouth.  His perfect lips, she had come to love, they turned downward showing his dislike towards her.

            She held onto him for only a few more seconds, putting him and herself through as much pain as she could muster.  Sarah stood on her toes and kissed him on his cheek.

            “Good-bye,” she whispered to him.  Trying to feel and smell as much of him as she could in that moment.

            Stepping down, Sarah watched as her husband bent down to pick up his bag, stand up, nod at her, and turn around and leave.  Sarah could feel herself crippling from the inside out.  She watched as he left, hoping he would turn around and change his mind.  But he didn’t.  It was only Sarah who stood there, and then there was one.

His View

His View is a poem that I wrote as a love poem in my creative writing class. It shows the point of view from a man who is proposing to his girlfriend.  This poem has no rhyme scheme.

His View
Heart beating,
Perspiration falls down my neck,
Hands shaking,
Butterflies soar in my stomach.
Her hair is perfect,
Falling lightly on her shoulders,
Her eyes look like the shining sea,
Everything is perfect.
I feel the box sitting,
Resting upon my chest,
Thumping along with my heart,
Nothing will ruin this night,
My fingers tingle as I reach for her,
Taking her hand in mine,
I feel her shake too.
Breathe in,
Breathe out,
Nothing is more important than this,
I hear the word that she whispers,

I would rather be a cat

This piece of writing is a 6 word memoir about me.  This assignment had to go with a visual, so I used a picture of my cat.  I think that this memoir fits me and my personality perfectly.

I would rather be a cat.