Friday, May 24, 2013

A List of Lists

A List of Lists is a list of things that I like.  This is an assignment that my teacher gave us in class, and I fell in love with it.  These lists allow you to see and remember everything that you love about your life.

  A List of Lists
1. People who have influenced me;
- My mom
-J.K Rowling
-Sarah Dessen
-Mrs. Gieleghem
-Dax Harris
-Rick Olson
-My dad
-My friends
2. Things that I want to do this summer;
-Egg Sean's car
-Morrucis every Friday
-Get super tan
-Have fun
-Convince him to date me
-Go to the gym everyday
-Write as much as possible
3. Things that make me happy;
-Big sweatshirts
-Chai tea lattes
-Getting hugged but not having to get hugged back
-Sweet text messages
-Laughing so hard you cry
-Talking with someone for hours on end


  1. This is studly, your writing skills are very superior. Good luck getting tan, and Party Hard brah!

  2. So cute :) I love your 3rd list

  3. All of your lists are so cute! Nice work!
