Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Pillow Speaks

The Pillow Speaks is a 1st person narrative poem, showing the point of view from the pillow.  It describes how a pillow feels, and thinks towards their owner.  This poem has no rhyme scheme.
The Pillow Speaks

I am known for comfort,

Somewhere to rest your head

When you are tired.

I will keep you company

In the loneliest of times.

As you sleep I will catch every tear,

And every scream.

I will always have a companion next to me,

But never do you use him,

Instead you stick with me.

I am not just your pillow,

But also your friend,

Because I will never leave you,

Judge you, or forsake you.

I will protect you

When you are scared,

And I will shield your eyes,

When you need not see,

I will love you always,

And you will always love me.


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